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Sasquesahanough Lodge » Featured, News » September Fellowship – You do not want to miss it

September Fellowship – You do not want to miss it

All Lodge 11 members are invited to the September Fellowship, September 20-22 at Camp Tuckahoe.

For those of you who do not know what a Fellowship is, it is an OA weekend event that is based around, FUN, GAMES, and BROTHERHOOD. Our Lodge Chief called the Fellowship this past March, “The best fellowship I have been to” and we are happy to report that the September Fellowship will have GREAT FOOD, MORE GAMES, AND A GREEK STYLE GAMES THEME.

If you are able you will want to arrive a little earlier then normal for this event, around 6:30 PM on Friday, as at 7:00 PM Friday there will be a FEAST of food followed by an opening ceremony.

On Saturday we will have games from all 7 continents, including an indoor mini-golf set up, emu egg drop, and so MUCH MORE. A great part about this event is that all games are optional if you don’t want to participate in the main competition, there will be plenty of other activities to keep you occupied.

On Saturday evening we will hold a Lodge Meeting with the election of the 2025 Lodge Officers. Following this chapters will meet and elect chapter officers.

THE LINK TO SIGN UP: Early Bird Registration ends Wednesday, September 11th.

If you can’t make the whole weekend, come when you are available. The registration form has various options for registering for only part of the weekend.

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